Army of Dad left Saturday night driving up to Minnesota to help his dad (shown here) with AoD's paternal grandparents. Grandpa was recently diagnosed with throat cancer and begins his chemo on Tuesday. AoD wanted to go visit to help his dad try to get things sorted and packed up. Grandma broke her neck two years ago and despite a remarkable recovery in which she only has to use a walker to get around, Grandpa was taking care of her and looking out for her. He won't be able to do that any more and she can't look out for both of them. So, my FIL has been up there for the past two or three weeks helping them with medical stuff and trying to talk to them about getting ready to move to an assisted living facility. Problem is, there is no family in Minnesota to really help them do these things and make sure they aren't hosed by people who will take advantage of them. Soon, my FIL leaves for Malaysia for work, so he won't even be in the country. Everyone is worried about them. Last year,
Grandma visited and we even took
her shooting. She and I bonded pretty well during that visit. We spent a lot of time talking and getting to know each other. She calls me every couple of weeks to chit chat. She's a neat old gal and I'm blessed for getting to know her. In the dictionary, next to the definition for curmudgeon is a picture of Grandpa. :)
But, the selfish part of me has been ripped in two. I cried for about an hour after AoD left Saturday. I fretted with him driving all night up there. He texted me to let me know he was stopping in Des Moines to take a nap, but he forgot to text me that he was awake and safe when that happened. I finally texted a few hours later to see if he was awake, then he called to tell me he was already in St. Cloud. I miss him so much. I don't know what I'd do if he had a job that made him travel. I'd be beside myself. We will celebrate AoD's birthday apart from each other for the first time in 11 years, too. He'll be in Minnesota on Tuesday for that. He'll be treated well, though, with both sets of grandparents (ok, just a maternal grandma), a slew of aunts and uncles and his dad, too. So, I know he'll be well treated. Will be special for him. Just lonely for me, but I have my kiddos here and I'll be busy with work and their activities. Plus, I'm trying to get the house in order for his return now that I'm a little more mobile with the walking cast. *sigh* Think I just worked myself back into a cry before heading into my empty bed.
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