Last week, Hot Rod had the privilege of attending UNT's Coach Johnny Jones basketball camp. He was able to go courtesy of birthday money from family and friends. It was pricey and we were lucky to have our loved ones help us out with the expense. He got enough money to attend the basketball camp and baseball camp, so that was awesome. I was proud to see him actually looking up while dribbling in this picture. That is always a good sign.

Showing off his new basketball that he got at camp. It is pretty cool. He got a T-shirt, water bottle and this nice basketball.

With some of our favorite players who acted as coaches at camp. This one is Collin Mangrum *heart thumping* who is really cute and really nice. Little Bit had to jump in this picture, too. I mean, come on, tall, blond, handsome. Why not?

Of course, when Hot Rod went to get his picture with Justin Howerton, another of our faves (ok, most of the players are our faves) ... she was a little intimidated by just how tall he is. Look at the size of his hands on Hot Rod's shoulders! I bet this dude can put the food away!

And, lastly, with Coach Johnny Jones. This was pretty cool and pretty special. He was really nice and gracious. Definitely a great experience for Hot Rod. He was a little intimidated on the first day of camp because there were so many kids there. The camp actually filled up before the first day. But, he warmed up to it. This coming week, Vacation Bible School. The boy can use a little Jesus. :)
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