Point of No Return

So this is how liberty dies ... with thunderous applause.
Yep. We're on our way. Anyone have any suggestions for local places to eat, have a beer and hang out? We like to hit the mom and pop places instead of the big chains. I'm jonesing for some KC BBQ and wanna know a great place to go.
Surely I'm not the only one who starts singing this song every time the Brewers' Cory Hart makes a play in the All-Star game.
Man, I am feeling this song right now. I don't really want to go into it all. But, I'm frustrated at the world. And people? Don't even get me started.
Sometimes, I feel very in control of my life. Other times - like right now - I am so helpless. I feel like a bystander in my own life. I'm just watching without any ability to make things work the way they're supposed to. Going through the motions. Yep, that describes it. I wish I could get to the point where I could hand things over to Jesus - to take the wheel - but I don't even know how to get to that place. I'm trying, but I can't loosen my grip on the wheel.
The first time I saw Tim Hawkins was when he did "Cletus Take the Reel" and I laughed so hard that I almost cried. This bit is particularly amusing to me because just last night, poor little Hot Rod was having really bad tummy pains. I was worried enough to call the doctor's after-hours nurse. But, my advice to my little punkin, go sit on the potty. So, in the midst of watching this bit today I had tears coming out of my eyes because I, apparently, am a true Southern mom. My parents used the term "pot" for toilet, too. I catch myself doing it from time to time. And, his "be careful" upon departing in a vehicle. Yep, guilty again as charged.
My sis-in-law (of whose birthday it is today - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!) sent me this link and I almost spit Diet Coke out on the monitor because it is so funny. Thing is, I might actually listen to this version of kiddie songs. :) Have a giggle and whatever you do, don't be drinking anything or you'll need a new keyboard.