Every Fourth of July, the entire family looks forward to the town's Independence Day parade. Here is the group in front of our favorite wine store downtown. The candy store is on the left. Pickle is with his dad today. Always makes me sad for him not to be with me on holidays, but such is life. I'm glad the other folks are here, though.

Little Bit spent the week with her granny and papa, so I'm happy to have her home.

The Vietnam Veterans color guard.

The Military Order of the Purple Heart local chapter.

My brother had a car like this in high school till he wrecked it while fixing his hair while driving. Dad told me that story while he was driving.

The kids waiting for the next float/car and the candy that would be thrown to them. Gotta have a bag when you come to the parade. :) Notice the Twins hats on both of them? You can take the Minnesotan out of the Land of 10,000 Lakes, but you can't take the Minnesota out of the man. He has his Twins fans, even if they live in Texas.

Not sure how patriotic the goat is.

Nothing runs like a Deere. John Deere.

The General Lee arrives in Denton. :) Even had the Dixie horn.

And, our beautiful courthouse. We sat across the street from it for the parade. I love this town. Take a moment today to express your appreciation for our servicemen and women. In the midst of the barbeques, the fireworks, and the fun, remember those who cannot be with their families because they are fighting to defend the unalienable rights enshrined in our Declaration of Independence - life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Because of their efforts, freedom is now more than a distant ideal to millions of people around the world.
At 3:54 PM, July 04, 2008,
Geriatric Nursing said…
Thank you so much for sharing your pictures of the parade! Your little girl is so cute! Our town did not have a 4th of July parade, however had a full day of events at the fairgrounds. I thought of my son who is in Iraq; hope they are taking some time out to have a little fun. Thanks again and have a safe, happy fourth of July.
Army Mom
At 7:00 AM, July 07, 2008,
Submariner said…
Thanks for sharing your parade, hon. The wife and I spent the weekend painting every room in our house and getting ready to move back into it next week. (I'm really stiff and sore; guess I'm not as young as my mind thinks...) I really miss the small town parades from my youth and yours looked like a page out of my memories. Thanks for continuing to share your family with us.
God bless each of you, all of our service men and women, and this wonderful country. Happy Independence Day everyone.
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