Gotta love this headline

So, that's how she got the nomination. LOL. Then, you gotta love this bumper sticker. From everything I see, her values match those of my family on guns, life and family. We'll see as more information comes out. For now, I'm re-energized. I was not happy with McCain's candidacy and the idea of Lieberman on the ticket made me scared. This, I think I like.
At 4:55 PM, August 29, 2008,
Anonymous said…
I read that she has a liking of the flavor of moose meat, hhmm doesn't everyone...?
At 6:03 PM, August 29, 2008,
Anonymous said…
I Lurves me some Hot Mommas in Charge!
At 2:00 PM, September 02, 2008,
Anonymous said…
McCain: Yeah, I tapped that.
Advisor: Sir?
McCain: I meant for VP... Yeah VP..Ahem!
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