Late Friday night/early Saturday morning, Army of Dad and I were out visiting friends and hanging out when we got a voicemail that Grandpa had a seizure and was being taken to the hospital. He has been suffering from throat cancer and undergoing an aggressive chemo therapy plan since May. We got word early Saturday morning, that he passed on. This is the last photo we have of Grandpa. Army of Dad went to visit his family in Minnesota in June. That is Little Bit's godfather (and AoD's brother-in-law) in the floor along with our niece. We are going to miss Grandpa and we're terribly saddened by the news. But, once we get past the selfish parts of ourselves, we know he is no longer suffering and for this we are glad for him. Now, our worries focus on Grandma, who will be without her main caretaker. The walker in this picture is hers. She moved from the home (pictured here) that they shared for 40+ (?) years into an assisted living apartment complex for seniors. It will be a good thing for her, but we all worry about how she will handle his loss. There is no family there for her now. Prayers will be most appreciated. Army of Dad is just really glad he took the trip to Minnesota this summer. Grandpa must have known his days were numbered - as he bid farewell to Army of Dad, he gave him a hug and told him it would likely be the last time he saw him alive. He was right.
Funny thing happened Saturday afternoon to give me pause. Army of Dad called me to turn the radio station. A special song was on the radio.
Come Sail Away by Styx. My late grandmother, who died in the summer of 1999, hated that song. *giggling* My cousin and I were listening to it one night and Granny said: Oh for God's sakes, sail away with him so he'll shut up! Ever since, I can't help but laugh and think of Granny when this song comes on. Often, I will hear it on the radio on occasions that make me know that Granny is looking down on me and trying to reassure me. I caught it once on her birthday. Another time, I was thinking about her and flipped the channel and caught it. Very weird. Army of Dad heard it Saturday morning, just a few hours after we got the news about his grandfather. I couldn't help but feel that Granny was reassuring me that she was welcoming AoD's grandfather to heaven and showing him the way to the easy chair for a smoke on his pipe.
At 9:38 PM, August 31, 2008,
Scarlet O'Kara said…
Please accept my deepest sympathies on the passing of your grandfather.
And I have to agree with you on the song. There are several songs that do the same thing for me.
At 5:41 PM, September 01, 2008,
Anonymous said…
I am thankful that the entire family (minus Dad who was overseas) made it to MN to see Grpa and Grma a few years ago. The group picture we took is a treasure to me. My only concern now is who will take over where Grpa left off and threaten to kick Eric's a**? I'm glad we have the funny memories to hold onto.
At 11:12 AM, September 02, 2008,
Anonymous said…
Thoughts, condolences and prayers to you and yours at this time. I know words don't do much to help, but you have those from us.
At 4:06 PM, September 02, 2008,
Anonymous said…
I am blessed to have several photos of my Grandad and me at my wedding. He passed away a month later and those photos mean THE WORLD to me!!
My prayers are with AOD's Grandfather and all his family.
God looked around His garden
and found an empty place.
He then looked down upon the earth,
amd saw your tired face.
He put his arms around you
and He lifted you to rest.
God's garden must be beautiful,
He only takes the best.
He knew that you were suffering,
He knew you were in pain,
He knew that you would never
get well on earth again.
He saw the road getting rough
and the hills were hard to climb,
so He closed your weary eyelids
and whispered "peace is thine."
It broke our hearts to lose you,
but you didn't go alone.
For part of us went with you
the day God took you home.
Though the smile is gone forever
and your hands we cannot touch,
we will always have sweet memories
of the one we loved so much.
--Author Unknown
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