My son was quite the studmuffin at Anime Fest with random (and really cute, I must add) girls walking up and wanting to have a picture taken with him. Like this girl. She's adorable. No clue what character she is supposed to be, but she's cute as all get out.

Then, there were these girls/women. They just ran up and the girl in the black and white squeezed him so hard he couldn't stand up straight. Note the weird posture.

They had good legs, I noticed. Here they're having their picture taken with him on their camera.

Then, there was the harem. These are all the girls that came with my buddy. Her daughter is the one in the center back with the cat ears. She'll be at UNT here with me next year. Bwahahaha!
At 5:14 PM, September 10, 2008,
Anonymous said…
Good God! Was he the only male at this event? They're all over him like a cheap suit!
Boy, they didn't make girls that way when I was in middle school . . .
At 3:31 AM, March 01, 2010,
Anonymous said…
The girl at the top is from Hayao Miyazaki's "Princess Mononoke"
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