I have neglected reading the papers for a few days and when I wasn't being accosted by some New Yorker today, I managed to get a few pages read and discovered that Bettie Page
suffered a heart attack and is in a coma. That just really made me sad for her. She had such beauty and a comfort in her own skin as a young woman. I would love to have just a small percentage of that appeal. She just exudes something in her eyes and her expression that makes you think she is having the time of her life in just about every photograph ever snapped featuring her. And, the sexy body and lack of self-consciousness. Yeah, that is very alluring. She may have singlehandedly got the ball rolling for us gals to be happy as sexual beings. Hang in there Bettie. There are many of us that consider the world a better place for you having been here and we hate to see you depart now.
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