Sunday night marked the return of Chicken Legs to Texas for a brief visit. I guess some background is in order. The fella on the far left is Chicken Legs, or at least that is what I called him for the Army years. He was one of three guys that spent just about every night at my apartment when I was dating and then married to Army of Dad. The guys would drink beer and play cards pretty much all night until I ran them off to return to the barracks and finish drinking beer and playing cards. Chicken Legs now lives in Maryland and was in Dallas for a business trip. Fortunately, he was able to make some time for us to go hang out. It was a nice visit full of old stories and catching up on our families and plans to get together in his stomping grounds this summer when a business conference takes me to Washington, D.C. For Army of Dad, this was a chance to catch up with his buddy. We walked the guys (he had two coworkers with him) down to the
West End and introduced them to
Hoffbrau before walking back to the hotel. For me, I was introduced to a new drink at the hotel bar. Oh wow. I'm heading to the liquor store now to get some
Midori to see if I can replicate the Reunion Hyatt Regency's version of a Midori Splice. At $9 a pop, I wasn't able to indulge as I would have liked. :) But, thanks to Chicken Legs and his generosity, I did guzzle two of those tasty delights.
At 6:00 PM, February 23, 2009,
Anonymous said…
Holy rack batman!! Love the boobs!!
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