*taking deep breaths*
I know it is only little kid cheerleading and it isn't that big of a deal. But, I get so frustrated at the lack of commitment parents have to youth activities. I mean, why did you sign the child up if you don't intend to take her to practice on time or even take her to the games (instead opting to take her to a birthday party)?
I was brought up (my parents were both coaches, too) to believe that when I signed up for a team, I was obligated to that team before any other activity that I might rather do. (Don't even get me started on the fact that I was the only first-grader in all of Fort Worth who didn't go to the Shaun Cassidy concert because I had a softball game, which we had to forfeit because only me and two other girls showed up to play. Not that I'm bitter or anything all these years later. Da doo ron ron, da doo ron ron.)
But, I digress, as I usually do.
I am so proud of my little cheerleaders when they "get" something and do it pretty well. But, they won't "get" it if they never come to practice or the games.
I know it is only little kid cheerleading and it isn't that big of a deal. But, I get so frustrated at the lack of commitment parents have to youth activities. I mean, why did you sign the child up if you don't intend to take her to practice on time or even take her to the games (instead opting to take her to a birthday party)?
I was brought up (my parents were both coaches, too) to believe that when I signed up for a team, I was obligated to that team before any other activity that I might rather do. (Don't even get me started on the fact that I was the only first-grader in all of Fort Worth who didn't go to the Shaun Cassidy concert because I had a softball game, which we had to forfeit because only me and two other girls showed up to play. Not that I'm bitter or anything all these years later. Da doo ron ron, da doo ron ron.)
But, I digress, as I usually do.
I am so proud of my little cheerleaders when they "get" something and do it pretty well. But, they won't "get" it if they never come to practice or the games.
At 10:21 PM, February 10, 2009,
Fantastagirl said…
Parents are sooo different these days. I don't understand it - if you sign your child up, follow through!
Good luck to your little cheerleaders!
At 9:14 AM, February 11, 2009,
Susabelle said…
I take kind of a different opinion of this. Too many kids are being over-scheduled with activities, and can't take time off for the fun things in life. To me, it is much more important to attend social events than to be locked into a series of pre-determined events that you "can't break no matter what or you let the team down." This gives kids very hard choices and limits them, and I just don't see the purpose in that.
One of my daughter's best friends is in dance three nights a week, soccer, bowling, along with whatever school activities. Her nights and weekends are completely booked. The child hardly has a chance to breathe, and can never come to our parties or other social events unless they have something to do with dance, soccer, bowling, etc. etc. etc.
Don't overload your kids, and there won't be so many "missed" social events. Truly, social events are important too.
At 1:39 PM, February 11, 2009,
Army of Mom said…
I wholeheartedly agree on not overloading kids, but I also don't think it is fair to make a commitment to a team/squad and then only go when it is convenient for you. I guess this is the coach in me. :) Because I have other things I could be doing other than waiting around on these little darlings whose parents can't be bothered to even bring them to things. It isn't fair to the other kids. If they have too many things, then slow down. Don't put them in cheer if it isn't something they want to do enough to skip a party. And, the child that sort of prompted this rant (well, more her mother than her!) is that they have missed three of four games for parties and one of them - you'll love this - they SCHEDULED for this child KNOWING when we had a game. So, you know we have a game at 2 and you can't schedule the child's party for 4 or the next day or something? Come on.
And, yeah, it sounds like your friend has good intentions, but can't figure out where to stop. My 9-year-old asked if he could do Boy Scouts and I said, "Sure, what other activity are you going to give up?" He looked at me crazy and I said, "Son, there isn't enough time in the day to do all of this. You have to focus on one or two things. So, if you want to do Scouting, I'm supportive of that, but lets prioritize what you want to do most."
*shrug* It isn't fair to moms and dads either if you never have any time for yourself, as well!
*putting away my soapbox*
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