While visiting DeGray State Park, we went on a guided sunset hike along the water's edge for part of it. Incredibly beautiful, we found unusual features including this tree that grew at a 90-degree angle.

Our sunset wasn't as impressive as most nights - our park interpreter told us - because the weather was a bit overcast as storms were in the region. But, it was still a glorious site to see.

The roads leading out from the dam and back to the interstate were tree-lined and lovely, too.

On the way back home, we stopped in Texarkana to State Line Road, where one side of the street is in Texas and the other side is in Arkansas.
At 7:46 AM, April 15, 2009,
Rachelle Jones said…
Wouldn't it figure you would visit Arkansas the minute I leave?
Looks like all yawl had a wonderful time!
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