Hot Rod had an Aerosmith Guitar Hero-themed 10th birthday party on Sunday and fun was had by all. We chalked the front drive and sidewalk with his favorite Aerosmith song titles. We had a little fun with Walk This Way. And, of course, Little Bit's favorite song is Pink. :)

I thought I was terribly clever putting Livin' on the Edge along the edge of the porch.

I was at a loss for what to decorate the table with, but found three Guitar Hero action figures on sale for $2 a piece at WalMart. Thank God for WalMart. He loved the picture cake with the musical notes on it. His cake read "Dream on." I crack myself up.

The back yard was too muddy to play, but they managed a little jumping on the trampoline. Here is Hot Rod in mid-flip.

This little fella is the little brother of one of Hot Rod's best friends. He also happens to be one of Little Bit's best friends.

This is his big brother. Hot Rod's favorite friend to get in trouble with. I have named this child Eddie Haskell. He is so polite and well mannered, but I know better. :)

Here is the fire crew explaining all the tools to the kids.

Little Bit was loving the headset.

Hot Rod liked being in the driver's seat, too.

And, those headsets were a hit among all the kids.

And, his buddy with the mohawk. I cracked up. This is one of the sweetest little boys you could find despite the mohawk.

And, the fire crew with the kids after the visit.

And, a silly picture. My favorites are Little Bit pretending to nag her little friend. Too funny. It is great that our fire department will do community service like this. The kids loved it and as they drove away, one of the firefighters shouted out the window "Don't play with fire." I thought that was a funny after-thought. Hot Rod's birthday will be Thursday. 10. Can't believe he'll be 10.
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