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At 5:54 PM, June 12, 2009,
Jane from MN said…
I have a daughter the same age, and it is an amazing change in those 3 years of middle school! You have a handsome young man there! One of my pet peeves is 'your' being used instead of 'you're', I am surprised that a school made that mistake!
At 9:40 PM, June 12, 2009,
Army of Mom said…
I thought the same thing about the "typo" ... but I think the 'your' is correct - they need a comma to help it make sense better that way. :)
At 10:34 PM, June 12, 2009,
Uzz said…
Personally I like "grders" in the second pic...our boy has certainly grown!!! I'm really glad you did this!
At 8:42 AM, June 13, 2009,
Anonymous said…
Isn't "your" the possessive and "you're" a contraction of you are? D
At 6:06 PM, June 13, 2009,
Anonymous said…
Oh my he has grown up !! When I "see" him I think of the 1st pic. I am really proud of him!! i hope he is all the way out of the program !? MOT
At 8:59 PM, June 13, 2009,
Anonymous said…
I couldn't help but notice the Viking head on the sign. It's the perfect school for your children that are MN Viking fans!
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