Breaking nerd news: Disney bought Marvel for $4 billion. Wow. That is a power marriage if I've ever seen one.
Here's to You, Al Gore
And, Sheryl Crow - I'm going to use a giant wad of toilet paper next time I need to wipe my backside. Its not an inconvenient truth at all.
One Ring to Rule Them All

We selected the 6mm version of the flat step down Tungsten carbide ring. It is beautiful and the thing we are most excited about is the prospect of it not getting all scratched.
You see, my husband plays and coaches sports and works doing a little bit of everything. His job is running a warehouse, but he finds himself driving a fork lift, cutting materials, killing rats, inspecting leaky roofs ... you name it. So, he is a jack of all trades and getting his hands dirty from time to time. So, his lovely gold band is all scratched.
We're hoping this one lives up to the claims of keeping its shine and not scratching. I think we will definitely keep you posted on it. I think it is really lovely. Masculine, yet beautiful.
Blogging Blues
I really do feel pretty guilty. My husband has ceased asking me daily when I'm going to blog again.
I mean "really blog."
I was a prolific blogger. Posting at least every day and sometimes a few times a day. It might be some meaningful insight into life or a news story I stumbled upon and wanted to share my opinion. Heck, it might be the dumbass who cut me off that inspired the tirade.
But, lately, it just doesn't seem to be there. I found Facebook and something I really like about it is the instant feedback. People actually comment on there. Wow. What a concept. Here, I just get hateful remarks about my fat ass or whiny nature (for the most part) and an occasional kudos.
So, it just seems like Facebook has taken over the time I spent blogging. I'm all about instant gratification, you know.
But, I'm going to try. Hubby and I will be out of pocket for our much belated 10th anniversary getaway this coming weekend and I'm too cheap to splurge on Internet access. So, it figures that I try to make an effort to blog again only to be foiled by the cash-strapped wallet in my purse.
And, adding to the woes of blogging, behold the CNN story about yet another blogger who was dooced. So sad. I've seen it happen to a few people I know. Being self-employed, it isn't likely to happen to me, but I watched Kim DuToit (of A Nation of Riflemen) lose investors for a big project he was going to do because of his blog. So, I know it can happen. I've lost friends over differences in opinions that couldn't be reconciled - and it all started from the blog.
So, *taking a deep breath* I'm not going public with our identities. Hell, most of ya'll know who I'm am. I met one reader at kindergarten round-up at my school. That was weird to have someone walk up and say "Hey, you're Army of Mom, aren't you?" and I met another fella who said he was meeting me from Army of Mom and didn't realize it was me. :) That was my favorite, I think. He thought AoM had connected us professionally and didn't realize I was, indeed, AoM in the flesh.
So, anyway ... I'll do my best to start blogging again with regularity. I'm looking for my millionth hit. I need to see how far away I am from that. Not blogging will hurt, but I'll work at it.
p.s. Stupid Blogger is taking forever to post pics, too. Another reason why I get disgusted and just stop trying .... ARGH. I know the service is free, but damn.
UPDATE: I'm at 1.9 million hits. Damn! So, I only need about 40,000 more hits to be at 2 million. WOW!
I mean "really blog."
I was a prolific blogger. Posting at least every day and sometimes a few times a day. It might be some meaningful insight into life or a news story I stumbled upon and wanted to share my opinion. Heck, it might be the dumbass who cut me off that inspired the tirade.
But, lately, it just doesn't seem to be there. I found Facebook and something I really like about it is the instant feedback. People actually comment on there. Wow. What a concept. Here, I just get hateful remarks about my fat ass or whiny nature (for the most part) and an occasional kudos.
So, it just seems like Facebook has taken over the time I spent blogging. I'm all about instant gratification, you know.
But, I'm going to try. Hubby and I will be out of pocket for our much belated 10th anniversary getaway this coming weekend and I'm too cheap to splurge on Internet access. So, it figures that I try to make an effort to blog again only to be foiled by the cash-strapped wallet in my purse.
And, adding to the woes of blogging, behold the CNN story about yet another blogger who was dooced. So sad. I've seen it happen to a few people I know. Being self-employed, it isn't likely to happen to me, but I watched Kim DuToit (of A Nation of Riflemen) lose investors for a big project he was going to do because of his blog. So, I know it can happen. I've lost friends over differences in opinions that couldn't be reconciled - and it all started from the blog.
So, *taking a deep breath* I'm not going public with our identities. Hell, most of ya'll know who I'm am. I met one reader at kindergarten round-up at my school. That was weird to have someone walk up and say "Hey, you're Army of Mom, aren't you?" and I met another fella who said he was meeting me from Army of Mom and didn't realize it was me. :) That was my favorite, I think. He thought AoM had connected us professionally and didn't realize I was, indeed, AoM in the flesh.
So, anyway ... I'll do my best to start blogging again with regularity. I'm looking for my millionth hit. I need to see how far away I am from that. Not blogging will hurt, but I'll work at it.
p.s. Stupid Blogger is taking forever to post pics, too. Another reason why I get disgusted and just stop trying .... ARGH. I know the service is free, but damn.
UPDATE: I'm at 1.9 million hits. Damn! So, I only need about 40,000 more hits to be at 2 million. WOW!
Back to School Blues

Is it the same?
My eldest son starts high school today. For me, at least, it is as bad or worse than it was taking him to school on the first day of kindergarten.
He is oblivious and I'm trying to hide the eye twitch from him.
And, tomorrow will be worse. Today its just the freshmen going to school to learn how to find classes and where to go, etc. *sigh*
I may need to dig out the Xanax before this week is over.
He is oblivious and I'm trying to hide the eye twitch from him.
And, tomorrow will be worse. Today its just the freshmen going to school to learn how to find classes and where to go, etc. *sigh*
I may need to dig out the Xanax before this week is over.
The Legend of Zelda
Day 1 Bridge Race

Moving On Up

Is Monday over yet?
Today has been a really rough day for many reasons. The loss of the sweet dog was just one of the many things that stressed me today. Five more minutes and I'll be glad when this day is over.
It probably doesn't help that I'm listening to melancholy music. Tunes like Constant Craving and You Shouldn't Kiss Me Like This. Just fairly sad tunes.
It probably doesn't help that I'm listening to melancholy music. Tunes like Constant Craving and You Shouldn't Kiss Me Like This. Just fairly sad tunes.
RIP Patches

Army of Dad fussed at me to blog since we've had so much fun stuff going on recently. But, I've been having more fun living the fun stuff than blogging it. I don't know. Anyway. It is a sad night in our home.
Seduced by the Dork Side