You had me at Mean Green. But, when you throw in free, then I'm all yours with a big green bow tied around me. These kids couldn't have gotten any better basketball instruction than they did from the UNT coaches and players. It was awesome. Little Bit has never really had much interest in playing basketball, but I encouraged her to participate in the camp and see what she thought. She LOVED it. Too bad it is too late for her to give bball a chance this season. We're cheering (yeah, I'm coaching again, God help those 17 little girls on my squad.)

Here, one of the men's coaches, Charlie Leonard, instructs Little Bit in ball handling. Too cute.

Of course, you had to know there would be a shot or two of Collin Mangrum. Here is Hot Rod in his ball handling skills group.

Hot Rod does okay, but he has to look at what he's doing. He hasn't quite developed the desire to dribble a lot for practice.

And, this is about the most precious thing I've seen. This is one of Little Bit's buddies from school. His mom is one of Hot Rod's teachers, too. Little Bit would like to have more female friends, but much like her mom, she is buddies more with the boys than the girls.

Getting some instruction on guarding. These girls looked like they were having fun instructing Little Bit.

Hot Rod working on his shooting and rebounding skills. He took one off the chin in this drill.

A big yawn spread across the boy's face after getting up early to go duck hunting with his dad.

Awaiting his rebound.

Comparing autographs after the camp.

Waiting in line for Collin's autograph. His dear mom brought us a lovely plate of cookies (a tasty treat). The kids thought that was awesome. She's a sweet lady.

Scrappy loves our baby girl almost as much as she loves him. Wish I knew he was outside of that suit. :)
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