There was an adorable little girl. When she was in the first grade, she started developing some sores in her mouth that wouldn't go away. Her mom took her to the dentist, who sent her to an ENT doctor.

What they discovered was a tumor that kept growing and growing. Here is that precious little girl at Cook Children's in Fort Worth (when it was in that old historic building before joining with Fort Worth Children's Hospital.)

For ages, no one could figure out what was going on with this cancer. Here is little AoM with her daddy at All Saints Hospital in Fort Worth. The cancer was eating my face from the inside out. That scab on my cheek was where it was growin through. To this day, I have a thing about picking scabs because I was never allowed to touch it.

By this time, I was at M.D. Anderson in Houston. I was there for a long time. Being a little kid, I honestly have no idea how long it was, but I do know that when we weren't in the hospital, we lived in a hotel there for a while.

It was pretty miserable for everyone, I think.

Every time I look at these pictures, the tops of my hands start to hurt. I hated those IVs with a passion. So, what started me in on the unpleasant memories? Lots of things get me started from time to time, but I've decided to chop my hair off and donate it to
Locks of Love, so I'm getting it whacked off. Just seemed the right thing to do after my niece and one of my good friends both did it recently. One of my blog buddies - at Jenelle's Journey - went through a long year of leukemia and losing her hair and wearing a wig. For me, its just hair and it will grow back. I can't imagine going through cancer, treatment AND losing my hair. As a female, it helps us identify ourselves and as a kid, we just want to fit in. When you have no hair, you just don't. I was around all sorts of kids going through cancer in the hospital. So, anyway. H-day is Feb. 19. Army of Dad hates to see my hair go. But, I promise to grow it back for him.
At 11:01 PM, January 09, 2010,
Anonymous said…
You won't regret getting your hair cut for Locks of Love! I'm so excited to tell Hannah you are doing this, too. BTW, you sure were a cutie! Even with all those funky printed clothes. HA HA!
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