Sorry to be an absent blogger. All dozen of you who read have been going through withdrawals, I'm sure. NOT. But, awww, these are the moments when all the time spent pays off. A nice big hug from the cutest cheerleader in the world. Yeah, its scary, but I'm the cheer coach at the Baptist church. Me? Guiding 17 little 5- to 7-year-old girls. Yikes.

But, when they're out there, they are soooo darn cute!

And, I do love to tell people what to do. LOL

Hot Rod got on a selfish team this year. It stinks after he was on a team last year where we only had one ball hog (and he was actually decent). This year? Not so much. Everyone is a ball hog and no one is that great. But, he is doing ok.

He enjoys it and is getting a little Jesus with his workout. Can't beat that.

I've also spent time in Fort Worth and Dallas. This week, the company owner flew in again. I took him to Fort Worth instead of Dallas for a visit to Sundance Square. He even treated me to lunch at Reata *yummy!*. I had tenderloin tamales. OMG! They were awesome.

We've also had a few UNT games in there. Little Bit loves being the sweeper at the games and we've been lucky to let her have the job most of the time. She loves Scrappy, too!

And, of course, I love to watch Collin play. He's energetic on the court. It also doesn't help that he is soooo easy on the eyes. Check out the muscle definition. Mrs. M, turn away now please and cover your eyes. Collin has NOT been "what I've been doing" as the blog post is titled. Now, I could put him on a to-do list, but I think both he and his mom might have something to say about that. Plus, it could be kind of creepy after his mom and I have become friends. But, you know, I could look past that. A gal can dream, can't she?

I mean, really, look at that.

Then, there is my darling Little Bit. This was on headband night for the UNT students. Of course, I'm sure she batted her eyes and someone got one for her, too.

Now, this would be on Army of Dad's list of what he'd like to have been doing over the past week or two.

More basketball.

And, more cheering. We're on our way to do that in the next few minutes, too. Go Jesus! Yea! :)
At 8:38 PM, February 09, 2010,
A Naughty Mouse said…
tenderloin tamales?
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