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MeanGreenSports. But, its Collin dunking. *sigh* I love everything you hear on the radio or read on the DRC blog - they call him a "fan favorite." He really is for more people than just me and my Cougar Crush. Seriously. My family think he's da bomb. :) The kids love watching him. I think Hot Rod wants to be just like him. Cracks me up to watch Hot Rod crash the boards and do the Collin Mangrum signature flick-the-hair-out-of-my-eyes move. Good grief. He really does it like his idol. :) And, the fans do go wild when he does something spectacular. We've been watching this guy for three (he was red-shirted one year) years playing his heart out. Hustle from start to finish. We've watched him battle injuries and keep on going out there and doing his best. In his truly first healthy season, it is excitement. This guy gets on the court and you can see how badly he wants it in his eyes. He is instant energy. I've wanted to pull Coach Jones aside from time to time and tell him to put Collin in for some momentum change. The boy will MAKE things happen when he hits the court. He is instant energy on the court.
Ok, enough enough enough. I can't wait for 6 p.m. to get here. C'mon Mean Green!!! Beat Troy and make another trip to the NCAA tournament!!!!
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