Army of Mom

So this is how liberty dies ... with thunderous applause.


A Walk in My Shoes Giveaway

How about another giveaway? Hooray. I knew you'd like that. Walmart and Proctor & Gamble's PR folks reached out to me to see about giving out a DVD/CD prize for A Walk in My Shoes (touted as quality family entertainment with heart-warming drama) made-for-TV-movie, which debuts on Friday Dec. 3 at 7 p.m. Central on NBC.

So, here's my idea - tell me what you're most thankful for this holiday season or tell me about your best Thanksgiving ever. Email your entry to armyofmomblogger at yahoo dot com by Dec. 3 and give the movie a watch, too. It looks like the sort of thing we should all watch. I'll announce the winner the following week.


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